Boost Your Website Speed with PageSpeed Insights Tips


PageSpeed Insights is a tool that analyzes the behavior of a page and its loading speed on both desktop and mobile devices. It is a free tool that Google provides to the site operators. The good thing is that you can enter any URL and check here. This article will tell you how accurate Google PageSpeed Insights data is and its role in SEO.

Is Web Development Challenging?

web development

Before proceeding with this topic, we must learn what Web Development is.

It is maintaining, creating, and building websites or web applications we use online. Web development can be easy, like simple text, or complex, like making a web application. It could be related to web design, including designing the features of websites or web applications. This could include web content development, web programming, web engineering, electronic commerce development, and network security. Some examples of web applications are Google Docs, Netflix, Basecamp, and many more.